
"Pioneers of American Industrial Design" Forever Stamps!

This is so exciting!  I wonder how many of these books of stamps I can afford and hoard!  I imagine I will never have the desire to buy any other design of stamps in all my life!  

USPS.com says,

"The Pioneers of American Industrial Design (Forever®) stamp pane honors 12 of the nation's most important and influential industrial designers. Encompassing everything from furniture and electric kitchen appliances to corporate office buildings and passenger trains, the work of these designers helped shape the look of everyday life in the 20th century.

Each stamp features the name of a designer and a photograph of an object created by the designer, as well as a description of the object and the year or years when the object was created. The selvage features a photograph of the "Airflow" fan designed by Robert Heller around 1937.

Art director Derry Noyes selected the objects that appear on the stamps.

The Pioneers of American Industrial Design stamps are being issued as Forever stamps. Forever stamps are always equal in value to the current First-Class Mail one-ounce rate.

Made in the USA."

You can get them online at USPS.... 


B-A-N-A-N-A-S ! ! !

I went absolutely BANANAS creating treasuries today. I just found myself in 'that place' where you crave to create. Maybe it was the first thunderstorm of the season that passed through our area. I'll have to remember that next time a storm comes through. It was so therapeutic.

Check these out!

Teal, Kelly Green, Yellow
Teal, Kelly Green, Yellow

Make Waves This Summer
Make Waves This Summer

Summer Sampler
Summer Sampler


And I made these yesterday!

Syroco / Homco ... Making a Comeback? Here's Hopin'!
Syroco / Homco.... Making a Comeback? Here's hopin'!

A Vesties Housecall
A Vesties Housecall

Thanks for clickin' and sharin'! Have a fantastic weekend!




There are so many beautiful vintage and handmade items on Etsy. This treasury was inspired by the artists that invest precision and time to make artful creations.


Live Link

Thank you for lookin' and clickin'.


I love that Tiki look!

Hey! Welcome!

I've just completed my first treasury challenge attempt for the VESTies team!
(Other wise known as the Vintage Etsy Society Street Team.)

The challenge was brought up by St. Patrick's Day.... which leads to 'green' which leads to reuse... which is what vintage is all about! And since I am suffering from a BAD case of cabin fever, I had to go all-out tropical!


All of the fabulous eras of the 40s and 50s just amaze me and never get old to me. Tiki is just one of my favorite styles from the era.

Here are just a few of the "Tiki" items from my own Etsy shops.

From 51 Vintage Circle

From 51 Vintage Circle

From 51 Vintage Circle

From Upcycled Creations by Eleanor

From 51 Vintage Circle

*SIGH* I love Etsy.


Help the Sun to Rise in Japan Again

Please help.     :(

How YOU can.

Here's a treasury I created with condolences I feel for Japan.    It's not promotional.  I just chose images and items that helped compose my feelings.  *shrugs*   


Brooch Fetish

Brooches are my latest obsession. I always thought of them as 'old lady' but then when I met one of my best friends, a fellow thrift-aholic, I noticed she always sported a new and unusual brooch to hold her scarf on. Then I started noticing them more and more at estate sales, mainly looking for her as a gift. I can't see myself wearing them much but I love collecting them!

Click, share, and enjoy! And tell me.... and this is tricky.... which of these is YOUR favorite?


Comment To Win Free Atomic Goodies!!!

51 Vintage Circle
is going to be featured on the Beteabon's Blog tomorrow!! Get to know what keeps me going and how I've come to grow such an affinity for the past. 

It was such a pleasure to be interviewed by Brandi, the composer of the Beteabon's Blog and owner of her own Etsy shop, what else but...the Beteabon Shop !

Brandi a rare and clever person and I've grown to deeply admire her. Thank you Brandi :)

Go to Beteabon's Blog and comment for a chance to win a matching set of vintage atomic goodies!!

This is just part of the free give-away:

Yeah! So go comment away!! Who can resist free goodies, especially Atomic goodies?!

So, how much do you love vintage?  If you have an Etsy shop, how'd you get to where you are now?  Share tips.  Let us know what your favorite decade was!  What sort of items drive you absolutely bonkers??  

And here's a tribute treasury to the Beteabon Shop on Etsy for featuring an interview with me on her blog tomorrow. Comment on her blog for a chance to win atomic goodies!
(*hint- one item is in this
treasury! )


Morel Mushroom Hunting Season!

YUP!  It's about that time of year again!  My Dad started taking me mushroom hunting when I was just a very small little girl and throughout the years, like my grandmother, I've sadly developed an allergy to the morel.

But everyone now begs that that I come on their own morel hunting journey thinking that they will win what will be my spoils!  Ha ha!

You can take the morel out of the girl *allergy-related symptom goes here* but you can't take the girl out of the morel!  "Hunt" that is.  Eww, I so nasty. 

Click, share, enjoy!!


Item From 51 Vintage Circle Makes It Into the "Etsy Finds" Newsletter!

I am so super excited!  You never think an item from your shop will make it to the front page or to a newsletter going to thousands of people.   But for 51 Vintage Circle, it happened!

See this item in the link below. 
(It's way at the very bottom.)

Congratulations to every Etsy'r that makes it in a newsletter, feature, or front page on any day!




Have you not been with Etsy for very long and have wondered what being part of a team is all about?  Are you fearful of getting in over your head by joining one?  How about joining a team who welcomes you with open arms and takes the time to walk you through the process?  If you want to be part of a team who truly wants to see you succeed, a team that takes care of one another, and you sell vintage, THIS IS the team you want to join.  It is called the Vintage Etsy Society Street Team.  Once you are a team member you are officially a "Vestie". 

Here is theVestiesteam blog filled with so much info and tips to help your shop flourish.

I can't tell you how increasingly visible your shop becomes once you are part of the team.  I capture treasuries I'm included in and post them on Flickr.  Since I've joined the team, it's all I can do to keep up!  Don't believe me? 

This is what the Vintage Etsy Society Street Team is all about:

"Can't wait for you to join!
VestiesTeam ... Is a group of vintage sellers on Etsy, united in support of one another. Our goal is to unite Vintage sellers, either locally or globally, with one another to forge friendships and to create a supportive environment for Vintage sellers on Etsy.

We operate a Ning.com team site, team forum page, team blog, facebook and twitter page. Our team of leaders is always happy to help answer a question or point you in the right direction.

We have many new shops who become members and our goal is to help them become exposed and to help them be the best they can be!

Martha updates the team several times a week... your shop will immediatly be added to our blog along with other wonderful vintage sellers. Some with lots of experience here on Etsy and others that are new to Etsy!

You will find this team refreshing and active! We have been around Etsy now for a year and a half and are growing stronger daily!

Each year we have a Vintage Market in the Chicagoland suburban area, you are welcome to participate if you like!

Thank you and we are so glad you found us!"